Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Want To Write A Book.

I want to write a book. I want to be so passionate about one idea that I can sit down at the computer & write my heart away until it is done. & then I want to have it published & see it on the New York Time's Best-Seller List's & go to Borders & find it on the shelf & buy it. I have never wanted anything so much. I love, love, love writing. But I give up after a few pages. I need to stop giving up on things, especially that. One day I'll write a book, & everyone will buy it. It will make them laugh, cry, become best friends with the characters. It will sit on shelves & it will be read a billion times & it will be the greatest thing ever. That's what I want out of my life. & after that happens, I want to buy a big house on the beach where I can wake up in the morning & smell the ocean, where Joey & I can sit on the deck, snuggle under a big blanket & watch Madison play on the beach all day long. & I want to do it before I'm twenty five. Nothing, & I mean NOTHING would make me happier.

I retract that last statement. A Starbucks in my kitchen & an unlimited supply of Harry & David truffles would make it slightly more enjoyable. ;)

2 Dollar Thoughts:

Kristen said...

I wish I had the patience to write a novel, I've had so many good ideas i just cant seem to capitalize on..

Chelsea said...

I don't have the patience either.. but I'm trying!